First week back & what a great start to the 2024 Masters season. First two practices with water like glass (check out the photo below) and a great turnout.
And best part is being back on the water with an amazing group of friends who are there for one another on and off the water.
Last night at the open house we officially announced that Roger (Club Rowing Pro) would be joining the Masters' coaching team for 2024 - we're super excited and can't wait to see what Roger has planned for the season.
Please take full advantage of this amazing opportunity. I'll personally guarantee an improvement in your rowing stroke & fitness if you come hang out with us every Tues and Thursday morning (yes, 5:45 am is early - but can't beat the beauty of the river and water conditions at that time of day).
Our three guiding principles for 2024:
Be nice
Be proud
Be strong
Here's to an awesome 2024 season!
John & Sherry & Roger
Your 2024 Masters Coaching Team

Does anyone want to row a double with me Thursday morning?