Attention all rowers!
Water temperature 11° through 16°C, the following applies:
Only intermediate/advanced (confirmed by ONEC coach) scullers
Scullers must carefully evaluate weather conditions, and water conditions such as waves and current, before deciding to scull
Scullers must wear a personal flotation device (PFD)
Scullers must wear clothing appropriate for the conditions
Select materials in clothing that allow the body to stay dry and insulated against heat loss but with flexibility for the rowing motion and activity.
Scullers should carry a cell phone for emergency use
Public Recreational Shells
A minimum TWO SHELLS from the following list must launch together and return together, and stay within 100 meters of each other at all times.
Alden Star (1X), Hudson Stealth (Violetta — 1X), Hudson T6 (1X), Maas (1x)
Wintech 21 (1X)
Wintech 24 (1X)* experienced scullers only
Wintech 30s (2X)
The three shells in the following list may be used alone and without an escort boat
Hudson T7 (2X), Hudson T11 (4X), Lite Quattro (4X), New Horizon (4X)
Public Racing Shells
Racing 1X and 2X may be used only during a scheduled coach boat escorted row
Private Racing Shells
May be used only during a scheduled coach boat escorted row
Note: If you have any question about cold water hazards or the ONEC Cold Water Policy, contact the ONEC Rowing Director or an ONEC Rowing coach
Sad to say goodbye to summer rowing…But also: Yay that climate change doesn’t have October feeling like July…yet.