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Masters Group Row Chat

Public·59 members

Practice Cancelled

Practice is cancelled tomorrow morning (Tues June 13th) due to rain and winds. It will be moving to Friday at 6:30 AM.

Thursday & Friday's practices will focus on early season strategies to improve balance in the boat. Practices will be posted soon on the Masters Chat feed.

Until Thursday, I'll leave you with a bit of reading about equipment care (in light of our new arrivals). A great blog by Faster Masters that really shows it takes a team strategy to make sure our equipment stays safe out on the water.

Don't forget to use the ONEC Rowing Dashboard (available in the main header / main menu of website) to report damaged equipment to our Equipment management and repair team.

Rowing Boat Repair - By Faster Masters

Boat damage and repairs happen – what can we do to mitigate?

Crashes, prangs, nicks and scratches happen to rowing boats.

We row on waterways containing debris. We fail to land our craft carefully, and carry them carelessly, hitting riggers, doorways and other boats.

Boat damage is a constant issue for boat owners and clubs.

Protect your own equipment first

Many choose to add covers, mats, towels or other ‘defensive’ wrappers to their boats when they are on the rack. I’ve got a tennis ball over the rigger pin and others use foam pool noodles and rubber stoppers.

Adding protection may encourage a lack of care from other boat uses who think that because it’s covered, they don’t need to keep an active watch.

Our club tries to enforce a rule of no talking when carrying boats in and out of the boathouse. You can hear the person who is doing the commands.

"Has anyone’s club managed to implement a culture for reporting boat damage that works? We have tried to convince people time and time again that they won’t be blamed, we just need things reporting but to limited success. Boats are frequently damaged in ways that the people doing it must have known and we find out down the line when someone notices it….so frustrating."

Discussion on Masters Rowing International Facebook Group

How to encourage damage reporting from club members?

Nobody wants a broken boat preventing them going out rowing. These are the reasons club members don’t take responsibility for reporting issues:

  • Ignorance – I didn’t know it was broken

  • Amnesia – I forgot to report

  • Avoid responsibility – It wasn’t my job to report

  • Ignore – I didn’t do it

We have to do better.

Jun 13, 2023

See y'all next week. Heading to BC for a west coast week.


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