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Masters Group Row Chat

Public·56 members

Hi, John and Sherry.

I'm trying to register for Burnstown on Regatta Central, and it's asking me to "Provide the name and mobile number of the primary contact for your club during the regatta" Is that one of you? If so, can you provide a mobile number, since it asks for that, too?

I can't get past that first screen until I fill in that info, but if you know of any other info that is required to register, can you post it here? I figure it might be useful for other registering, too. Or if you want to keep it private (especially your phone numbers!), you could just email me individually.

Thanks! Looking forward to doing my first race. :)

John Moore
Sep 05, 2022

You will need your rca number. The club should have registered you at the start of the season but may not have sent you the number. You can search with your name and birthday.



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