This summer, ONEC has been hosting an amazing group of new Canadians for introductory rowing sessions as part of our Sports For All program in collaboration with Rowing Canada. The program began with a wonderful presentation from the Ottawa Riverkeeper introducing the Ottawa River, its history, and the ongoing preservation efforts to keep the river clean. Our great team of instructors then offered dry-land and on-water training sessions to this enthusiastic group of new rowers.
Just listen to this amazing testimonial from one of our rowers: "Every time I stepped on that dock, sat on that boat, rowed into the river, I kept thinking: 'Is this for real??' Haha! I didn't grow up near the water and in my culture, water sports are reserved to those with a lot of money. So I'm still getting used to the fact that I can simply book a boat and... go. I'm very grateful"
At the end of August, we will be holding a ceremony marking the completion of this summer's Sports For All program. Our group will receive awards marking the completion of their program. Stay tuned for photos from that event!
In the meantime, check out our program highlights so far.