our Milestones
140th anniversary along the Ottawa River
100th anniversary in the historic boathouse
50th anniversary of our youth camps

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On the evening of Sept 14th, ONEC celebrated in style. Guests arrived to live swing music looking glamerous and ready for a step back in time to honour the era in which the historic boathouse was commissioned and built by the Club - the roaring twenties. Beautiful late summer weather meant the outdoor balcony overlooking the Ottawa River and Gatineau Hills was in full use. As people mixed and mingled, a canape style menu was set out & served elegantly by Bytown catering, offering an assortment of cold and warm canapes, cocktail table with trays and platters and closed with a sweets table complete with a massive 140th anniversary white buttercream cake.​ Entertainment was in full swing as the doors to the ballroom opened. Peter Liu and the Pollcats five-piece band looked and sounded amazing as they performed vintage numbers for guests. The experience was made even more exciting by having Ottawa's own Bytown Strutters dance troop highlight the style of swing on the large ballroom floor, including two special performance pieces with acrobatics.​ The night was hosted by our Masters of Ceremonies - Marko who looked fantastic in tux and top hat. He expertly introduced Mike Hardstaff who gave a heartfealt speech on behalf of the Club President which was followed by several guests of honour, including: City Counselor Rawslson King, Riverkeeper Laura Reinsborough, and community outreach partners Eda Songur from the Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre and George Hartsgrove from the Ottawa Senior Pride Network.​ As the party kept on, music transitioned over to a live DJ - starting with a series of songs from the 50s and 60s and eventually a mix of songs to represent the best of dance throughout the decades.​ Thank you to everyone who came out in support of the Club and celebrated our Milestone year together.​ Your 2023 Milestone Year Gala Planning Committee: John, Betty, Janice, Phil, Louise, Warren & Meghan
A Congrats from
the City of Ottawa
ONEC was honoured to have in attendance City Councillor Rawlson King for our Milestone Year Celebration. Following a fantastic speech, an award from the City of Ottawa was presented to the Ottawa New Edinburgh Club for their 140 year commitment to offering sport and recreation services to the National Capital community. The award reads as follows: “On behalf of Members of Ottawa City Council, it is our distinct pleasure to extend congratulations to Meghan Hanlon, President, and the other members of the Board of Directors, along with the staff, volunteers and community partners of the Ottawa New Edinburgh Club in recognition of their 140th anniversary serving the community. Founded in 1883 as the Ottawa Canoe Club, and later merging with the New Edinburgh Canoe Club to form the Ottawa New Edinburgh Canoe Club, ONEC has distinguished itself as one of the oldest multi-sport clubs in Canada. The boathouse, now known as the NCC River House, was designed by Ottawa architect C.P. Meredith in the Queen Anne recreational style and inaugurated in 1923, and this year celebrates its 100th anniversary. ONEC is also marking its 50th anniversary of the organization of youth summer camps. We salute the team members of ONEC for offering paddling, sailing, rowing and tennis to a diversity of persons and families of varying ages and skill levels, and for their valuable contribution to the promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle. Dated September 14th, 2023 Signed: Mark Sutcliffe, Mayor, City of Ottawa Rawlson King, City Councillor, Rideau-Rockcliffe Ward

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